BBC News

Friday, November 9, 2007

Cervical Spondylosis

I got this one in early 05, a sudden big sting on my left arm while I was sitting watching TV with my family. I thought "what vodoo is this?". I went to Darul Syifa' to get verification, and they advised me to see the specialist. What an accurate prescription.

Later the MRI verified that I have few cervical bones crushed and one dislocated into my spinal cord. Life has been different since then. I've been hospitalized for many other reasons, but this one is the worst one, in terms of recovery. I dont think it will. It is there, and so far it is still in that condition.Lately, things have improved. I am running but of course with pain. But at least I can run.

With all these baggages, and life is getting fuller! Age is catching up, that's why I have to run!

1 comment:

rustycoder said...

yeah, you should company your other half for your own good too...

keep running...